reasons to keep living

12 Reasons To Keep Living | Suicide Prevention Month

This Suicide Prevention Month, we’re giving you reasons to keep living. There are so many people that report feeling suicidal or having no reason to live. In 2019 alone, at least 12 million Americans suffer from suicidal thoughts. This is a huge number of people who are more likely to attempt or commit suicide. In the same study mentioned above, more than 1 million attempted suicide and 47,500 are suicide victims. 

Those who took their life may have smaller numbers compared to thoughts of suicide or attempted suicide, but these people were once part of those suffering from suicidal thoughts and performed suicide attempts, too. Many of the individuals surrounding them did not know about their current mental health situation that’s why they became suicide victims. But this September, in a reminder of Suicide Prevention Month, this blog offers to you 12 reasons to keep living.

12 Reasons Why I Should Live

No matter what religion you believe in, there’s always a doctrine on the reason why we live. So whatever you choose what belief do you think is why people live, respect is given. But aside from those religion-based beliefs, there are so many reasons why you should keep living. Here are 12 reasons to keep living:

  1. You are important

Some people may not realize it but they have so much to live for. They’re very precious in the eyes of friends, family, and even some strangers. If you’re feeling that you are unimportant, know that there are people who care for you even if it’s just one. Do you want a confirmation of this? Ask your closest friend and family!

  1. You have value

“Just being alive provides you with value”, this is what the psychologist, Albert Ellis said. When you are living in this world,  you have value because you provide for something. If you’re working, you contribute to the economy, help people build better lives, and construct a future for the next generation. You also support other people’s emotional and mental well-being when you give your valuable care to them.

  1. You are not alone

Just as statistics say, millions of people battle suicidal thoughts. You are not alone in your struggle. If you’re feeling that you’re the only one in this situation, know that there are others more who fight to keep suicidal thoughts away. There are also people that you can talk to about your emotions. They can be a trusted family member, supportive friend, or a licensed mental health professional. 

  1. Your emotions are just for a moment

In therapy, there’s this technique where you allow the client to discuss their emotions “here and now.” This is the present moment where one feels their emotions and let them out. The same with suicidal thoughts, they are there for a moment and you can talk about them to someone you know or to preferably a mental health professional. Instead of bottling your suicidal thoughts, speak about them to people who care and they’ll be doing their best to help you get the professional help you need.

  1. You have so many adventures ahead

Life is not always on cloud nine. You have to go through hard times such as beating these suicidal thoughts. These thoughts may be obstacles towards the fun adventures in life, but hey, we think that you can overcome them. 

  1. You still have hope

If living is tiring because of suicidal thoughts, we’re here to help. You still have hope that you can get better and live your life to the fullest. Those suicidal thoughts are not the final destination. When you seek help especially from a licensed mental health professional, they’re going to assist in helping you build healthy thought patterns during counselling sessions.

  1. You can try again

Whatever life throws at you and you feel like failing, try again. Sometimes suicidal thoughts stem from failures in life. When this happens, you can always start anew. Try again with the same strategies.Equip yourself with new ways to win in whatever challenges you have!

  1. You get a fresh start every day

You are given an opportunity to start anew every day. This is a recent 24 hrs for you to beat your suicidal thoughts and become better. It’s also a chance to live your best day and be productive. If you’re having a bad day today and you’re feeling like you want to stop your life right now, think about today’s blessing which is being alive.

  1. You don’t want to burden your family

People will miss you when you’re out of this world, so do your best to stay alive no matter what the challenges in life are. Do you know that suicide victims often leave a life-threatening impact on their families? They can be depressed and have suicidal thoughts after the guilt of not being able to save a suicide victim. You have to live because like it or not, they’re counting on you, too.

  1. You have dreams

One of the valid reasons why you should keep living is that you have dreams that you can manifest. There’s a lot that you can do, but you can’t do it if you let yourself be beaten because of suicidal thoughts. Aside from the encouragement of people close to you,  mental health professionals can help you drop that unhealthy pattern of thoughts so that you could improve your quality of life and chase your dreams.

  1. You have room for improvement

Learning is a lifelong process and so does improvement. When you keep on living, you also allow yourself to keep growing or improving. Don’t be stagnant when it comes to personal growth. If you’re dealing with suicidal thoughts, know that you can improve your way of thinking when you get help.

  1. You are loved

Because someone out there loves you for who you are, you should do them a favor and that is to keep living. They see your worth when you don’t see yours. When you know that you are loved, you begin to take the action on loving yourself, too. You start living for other people as well as yourself, because you can count on YOU, too. 

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