mental health rights

kNOW: Mental Health Rights of Employees in the PH

Do you know your mental health rights as an employee? Always be informed of your rights especially ones that involve mental health. Many Filipino workers are uninformed of their mental health rights which is why some of them have workplace-related problems. There are some mental health issues brought to the workplace (and even non-workplace locations) that has been heavily stigmatized or not talked about. Filipino mental health has been struggling to put its agenda to the surface, prior to the Mental Health Act of 2018 in the country. We’re very blessed that the country is finally awakening to the need for mental health advocacy and implementation, especially in the workplace. 

If you’re an employee, think about the last time you were declined to take a leave from work because of the common reason known as “feeling unwell”. We get it! Somehow, the truth is, it’s not just feeling physically sick that you’re usually adding as a reason to your requested leave, but you’re actually feeling mentally unwell. You’re drained, burnt-out, unmotivated, and in need of rest. This common reason is popular among employees because they know that they will be ridiculed for taking a rest from work due to mental health reasons. To counter this, you need to know your mental health rights in the workplace. In this blog, we will be talking about the rights of the employees when it comes to mental health at work.

Mental Health Rights in the Workplace

Mental health matters everywhere, yes, even in the workplace. The Mental Health Act has allowed the rights of every Filipino even those who are in the workforce to:

  • Access mental health services without discrimination and stigmatization whether it be socio-economic or political aspects.
  • Abide with their rights to access mental health services as a service user and other stakeholders regardless of physical disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, language, religion or nationality, ethnic, or social origin
  • Access to affordable and quality essential health and connected social services to attain the standards of mental health care
  • Access to mental health services at all levels of the Philippine’s national health care system
  • Privilege to have the proper, multi-disciplinary, client-focused, comprehensive treatment regarding mental health care (holistic, prevention, promotion, care and support)
  • Access to non-invasive psychosocial care and clinical treatment
  • Right to know or be informed of  the multi-disciplinary treatment plans available
  • Privilege to participate in mental health advocacies, training, policy-making, and other aspects that may require the guidance of qualified mental health professionals for ethical standards and valuable discussions.
  • Right to informed consent and confidentiality of all information, communications, and records, in whatever form or medium stored, regarding the service user, any aspect of the service user’s mental health, or any treatment or care received by the service user. This is with exceptions like when the service user is rendered incapable of consenting or when such treatment is necessary to work on neurological and psychiatric emergency situations.
  • Right to a legal counsel representative to access clinical records, file with the appropriate agency, complaints of improperties, abuses in mental health care, violations of rights of persona with mental health needs, and seek to initiate appropriate investigation and action against those who authorized illegal or unlawful involuntary treatment or confinement, and other violations.

These are the rights of employees when it comes to mental health. It is a long list but they cover the necessary points to protect laborers in the workplace. We know that for most of you, it’s your first time reading about these rights. Take note of these rights and remember that mental health wellness is applicable in the workplace and outside the workplace.

I’m An Employee: What About My Employers?

Employers play a part in improving the workplace wellbeing of employees who are, as we have mentioned in the previous blogs, are the best assets of the company. They’re generally the management of the company, and managing people also means taking part in their personal growth and wellness. With the Mental Health Act of 2018, employers are encouraged to create mental health programs with the help of mental health professionals in accordance with section 25 which says:

Section 25. Mental Health Promotion and Policies in the Workplace.Employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental health issues, correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental conditions, identify and provide support for individuals with mental health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.

Plus, employers or the HR department of the company should work to create the right policies and programs on mental health issues, correct the lingering stigma and discrimination associated with mental health, identify and provide support for employees with mental health conditions to a personalized treatment plan.

Great! Where Do I Get Workplace Mental Health Care?

If you’re going to suggest to your employers about workplace mental health program, great! MPsych Services offer mental health trainings and other programs to improve mental health in the workplace. 

MPsych Services follow the business model: assess, train, and sustain. Know the following below:

Assess – MPsych Services have a commitment to assess your workplace and your employees in terms of the current policies, employee retention and satisfaction. There are various tools to be administered when assessing a workplace. For the employees, individual tests may be administered to further determine their job satisfaction and mental health status. The assessment results will tell the MPsych team what is the action plan to incorporate best in your workplace. 

Train – MPsych Services will gather your company managers and regular employees to train them on how to manage and sustain a mental health-friendly workplace. Training assets will also make them resilient to crisis and their individual mental health concerns. Teaching them about mental health awareness will also increase their knowledge of their right to have a fair and just workplace condition. Employees of your company will also tend to be more confident, collaborative, and cooperative with co-workers. Mental health service providers aim to train employees to be mentally ready and healthy.

Sustain – MPsych Services will do the after-care of your employees who had undergone mental health trainings and coaching. They will also have follow-up sessions to make sure that employees are still on track with their mental health wellness in the workplace. If there are any other concerns, they will help in creating a resolution. It is of vital importance that service providers in mental health continue to provide consultations and interventions to ensure quality mental health care and workplace wellness.

Get Onboard with MPsych Services: Your Mental Health Partner

MPsych Services knows that you, the employees are your company’s lifeline. You can start investing in the wellness of your employers and co-employees to make them more productive and your business becomes more progressive. Check out our services here.

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