
Clients' Hub

Book a Follow-up Session

This button is intended for direct clients who want to book a follow-up counseling session and will pay for their own counseling fee. As you book another counseling session, please choose the psychologist who conducted your first or initial counseling session.

This button is intended for clients under M Psych’s partner companies who want to book a follow-up counseling session. Please consult with your company HR or Clinic and request a referral form. As you book another counseling session, please choose the psychologist who conducted your first or initial counseling session.

This button is intended for clients covered by M Psych’s partner insurance agencies who wish to book a follow-up counseling session.  As you book another counseling session, please choose the psychologist who conducted your first or initial counseling session.

Client Needs

Request a refund, report counselor no show or short notices, report counselor tardiness, send feedback, and report a problem.

For booking reschedules and cancellations in less than 24 hours notice (24 hours before your original appointment).

Send feedback and reviews about your counseling session with your psychologist.

Review the informed consent or terms and conditions you have signed with M Psych.

You can only avail this if you have already undergone a session or some sessions with M Psych counselor/therapist.

Kindly contact us so we can assist you with your assessment concerns.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. How do I book a counseling session?

Click the “Book Now” button to begin your journey. First, select your desired category that best aligns with your needs. Then choose a psychologist. If you’re unsure which psychologist to choose, no worries – simply click “choose any” and we will pick for you.

Next, pick a date and time that suits your schedule for the counseling session. After that, kindly provide some necessary information, and proceed to the payment section. Once your payment is submitted, finalize your booking.

Sit back and relax, as within moments, you’ll receive an email containing comprehensive booking details, including the essential Google Meet link for your upcoming session. While anticipating your scheduled time, we kindly request you to complete the intake form that accompanies the booking details. This form will help your psychologist tailor the session to your specific concerns.

2. How do I know if my company has availed counseling services from M Psych?

Usually, an orientation will be given as soon as your company has availed counseling sessions from M Psych. You can also ask the HR department or your clinic if they have already availed M Psych counseling sessions. 

3. Can I Reschedule or Cancel my Appointments?

Yes but with several conditions. All reschedule and cancellation requests should be made in not less than 24 hours before your original schedule. Rescheduling and cancellations done in less than 24 hours before the original schedule will be charged with P390.00 as a penalty. For rescheduling, you will be required to pay for the penalty before your new schedule will be confirmed. For cancellations, we will be refunding your payment minus the penalty charge and administrative fee.

4. What happens if I don’t show up in my scheduled counseling session?

This will be declared as a “No Show.” As a consequence, you will be charged with a no show fee which is P390.00. Then you will choose the next date for your counseling session.

5. What if my counselor did not show up  during our schedule?

You will get a P390.00 refund. Then you will choose the next date for your counseling session.

6. How long is the “waiting time” before the session will be declared void because of tardiness?

15 minutes. The counselor will wait for 15 minutes before declaring the counseling session as a “No Show.”

6. Are my counselors licensed? 

Yes. M Psych only accepts licensed mental health professionals. All counselors are government registered, both registered psychologists.

7. How can I get discounts and are counseling packages available?

You can get discounts by availing counseling tickets. You will save a significant amount if you purchase counseling tickets. You can buy a minimum of 5 tickets per purchase. This tickets are even transferrable or can be given as gifts to friends and family. Tickets will expire after 1 year.

8. How many sessions will it take for me to recover from my problems?

It really depends on several factors: the gravity of your problem, your therapy goals, your commitment, and you cooperation. If it is a mental health disorder, it might take more sessions compared to personal problems that are not diagnosed as mental disorders. Usually, 8-10 sessions for mental disorders and 3-8 sessions for non-mental disorders. Severe mental disorders and personality disorders may require more sessions. Some problems may even take years of counseling sessions to be fully resolved.

9. How often should my sessions be?

It depends on your therapy goals and the gravity of your problem. Usual frequency is once a week with booster sessions (i.e. twice a month, once a month, 4 times a year).

10. What happens during the first session?

The first session is usually used for the counselor to assess your problem thoroughly, to get to know you and your concern, to prepare the right diagnosis if necessary, and to help you establish your therapy goals.

11. What happens on the succeeding sessions?

You and your counselor will work together to achieve your therapy goals until you recover from your problems. 

12. What’s the best way to contact M Psych for problems?

The best way is to drop us a message in our FB page at www.facebook.com/mpsychservices

13. Can I really get better with counseling?

Yes of course. All mental disorders and personal problems can be resolved with counseling/psychotherapy. The root cause of our personal suffering is usually psychological and existential. With counseling, we become aware of our problems, where they are coming from, and how to manage them.

14. What is the difference between counseling, psychotherapy and life coaching?

Counseling is a general term that involves a client seeking professional help from an expert to resolve a problem, in this case, personal problems. Psychotherapy is a form of counseling intended for people with mental disorders or deeper mental health concerns. Life coaching, on the other hand, are for people who wants to develop personally even without personal problems. Here are M Psych, our counselors are capable of both psychotherapy and life coaching.

15. What’s the role of my counselors in my life?

Counselors are like coaches, they see through the problem and they know how to solve the problem but they cannot do it for you. That is why, they are there only to guide you towards learning how to solve and manage your own problem. In short, they help you solve your own problem. They are the coach, you are the player. Your counselors only listen, ask the right question, give you the right points to reflect, helps you with the right strategies to manage your problems and is true to you no matter what. Sometimes he/she will not hesitate to tell you the truth even if it hurts for the truth will set you free.

16. What is the general goal of counseling?

The general goal of counseling is to help you solve your own problems and train you to be your own counselor. True counselors will not let you depend on therapy. They will try their very best to help you become independently resilient in life. 

17. How much does a counseling session cost?

M Psych charges P 1950.00 per session.


Please seek help immediately.

Go to a nearby hospital and proceed to the emergency room.


Call any of the following, they are trained to provide emergency emotional and mental health support:

PLDT: (02) 804-4673
Globe/TM: (0917) 558-4673
Smart/TNT/SUN: (0918) 873-4673
Toll-free for Globe/TM: 2919

In Touch Community Services
Tel: 8937603(telephone)
Globe/TM: 09178001123 (cellphone)
Smart/TNT/Sun: 09228938944 (cellphone)

Tawag Paglaum—Centro Bisaya
Smart/TNT/Sun: (0939) 937-5433
Globe/TM: (0927) 654-1629

The National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline
Tel: (02) 989-8727(telephone)
Globe: (0917) 899-8727 (cellphone)

Emergency Hotline: