

employee mental health

Employee Mental Health Philippines: What Can Employers Do About It

Employee mental health is often underrated. If you are an employer who is not yet implementing a paid mental health program for your employees, it’s time for you to include it in your annual company budget for employees. The very fact that employees are not just workers should be a basis on treating them well

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Suicide Prevention Philippines: What’s The Status?

Suicide prevention is one of the many agendas of the Philippine government agencies like DOH. Several companies are investing in mental health programs amidst the work from home setup to protect the well-being of their employees. Schools are tapping their guidance counsellors and homeroom teachers to create kid-friendly mental health seminars done through video calls.

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Online Counselling in the Philippines: Is it Really Worth It?

In the Philippines, online counselling is unheard of. Filipinos normally repress their problems or turn them into funny jokes. Most of them who have mental health issues tend to display unhealthy ways of coping up. They do activities like alcoholism, gambling, gaslighting, backbiting, etc. Only a few Filipinos seek help from a mental health professional.

Online Counselling in the Philippines: Is it Really Worth It? Read More »

hybrid workplace Philippines

Hybrid Workforce in the Philippines: Is It Good or Bad?

A hybrid workforce in the Philippines wasn’t really considered as an option before until the pandemic. While there were some companies that practiced this, it wasn’t widely known to the rest of the world. Nowadays, this type of working set-up is implemented in many countries to keep businesses up and running while maintaining the health

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Filipino Mental Health

7 Ways to Boost Filipino Mental Health for Beginners

Filipino mental health is often regarded as a taboo. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are deemed on the same level as “laziness” or “overacting”. While mental health illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are related to non-religiosity or over-religiosity. When it comes to mental health, most Filipinos are quiet about it.  But the

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The Aftermath of COVID-19 Pandemic on Filipinos’ Mental Health and Resilience

It can be said that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has profoundly affected our lives. The beginning of the pandemic has been very challenging to most of us given that we needed to make several changes and adjustments to prevent the spread of the virus and to cope with the demands of our daily

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